
Early birds vote change is good

Hummingbird on red yucca near the parking lot
Shoved a hat over my scary sleep hair, got myself out to the park about 8:15 this morning and was rewarded with appearances by bluebirds, scissortails, hawks, and this cooperative hummingbird.

This scissortail and I inspected the footings for the new bridge that will make walking between the visitor center and the amphitheater easy.

As a special treat for the early birds walking and biking there was a dramatic cloud and a pleasant breeze at the pond for twenty minutes before the morning steamed up for the scorcher ahead.

Oh, thank you so much!!

No paddlers on the pond, but the new signs are going up:

My nature fix is complete:

It's all good.

© 2014-2017 Nancy L. Ruder

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