
Fake news, fake nature

Spend time with family in nature this Thanksgiving holiday. That is my charge or challenge to you, dear readers, both of you.

Feel the healing power of nature for your immune system, your mental health, your creative spirit. Stay curious about the complex interwoven systems of our planet. Express amazement and share personal discoveries about creatures and patterns still hanging on despite the current plutocratic rush to frack, drill, and clear-cut our national gems.

We are quite possibly the last generation joining hands around the feast table to be grateful for our national parks, for clean air, for not yet flooded coastal cities, for coral reefs still hanging on.  Yes, I am one discouraged grandma, knowing our generation has cheated our grandchildren and their grandchildren.

So, make Mother Nature the centerpiece of your holiday. I could never tweet a lifestyle blog with all-white pumpkins in a giant designer clamshell. Instead I could spy a giant white fungi in the, yes, crotch of a tree. Walking the wetlands boardwalk at the Heard Sanctuary in McKinney:

On the Cedar Brake Loop Trail additions to the centerpiece:

We have mind-boggling problems to solve in the real world. Join hands and work together to save our country, our planet, and not just from celebrity lifestyle tweeters.

© 2014-2017 Nancy L. Ruder

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