
Working on our balance

Took a short walk on the Rowlett Creek Trail Monday after photographing the bluebonnets in full splendor near the Oak Point Amphitheater on Spring Creek. The trail was muddy, but the sun was restorative.

Coming around a bend, the trail was blocked by a woman  standing on a big tree root. Not just standing, but actively balancing on the root. She was barefoot with red toenails, and had white earbuds. Her hands were out, palms down, in that balancing position.  Was someone taking a photo? I couldn't see around the tree, and didn't want to get too close as neither of us wore a mask.  The toenails were an odd detail on a chilly morning. Finally I asked if someone was taking her picture, and could I sneak around. "Oh," she said, "I didn't mean to scare you. I'm balancing."

She went on to say she has poor balance, so whenever she comes to this particular root she stands on it as a strengthening exercise. It made as much sense as much of my physical therapy last summer. I did the friendly, not-too-close regal pandemic wave with nod, smiled, wished her a good day, and went on down the trail.

But really, aren't we all just working on our balance right now?

© 2014-2020 Nancy L. Ruder

1 comment:

Kim said...

That’s a great place to do physical therapy! Maybe I’ll open a “clinic in the woods”!