
Attitude adjustment with cooperative dragonflies

Female widow skimmer
After a sluggish Sunday, it was clear I needed a mental jolt to get out of my post nasal drip mope before a new work week. Because I've been working on a family history of my sons' father, my ex's expression popped to mind. Yes, I had exactly what he used to call a "pewy dog attitude". I tend to think of it more as a bad case of Walmart parking lot grackles.

Male widow skimmer
Near the parking lot a very busy groups of saddlebag dragonflies declined to pose for pictures, but other species were more obliging. Wrens were checking out the fallen branches from Friday's storm. Scissortail flycatchers were doing their acrobatic aerials near the new sign for the Parks & Rec offices. Young orb-weavers were learning the ropes, and catocalas once again own the junction of Caddo and Redbud Trails. And on the way out of Oak Point, yes going to Walmart, a half dozen black vultures sat on the light poles near the sewer construction at Parker and Spring Creek wearing their white tube socks.

Eastern Pond Hawk adult male

Hide and seek Catocala moth

© 2014-2016 Nancy L. Ruder

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